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Haynes Lake in Dennis, MS

Tishomingo State Park located in northeastern part of the State in the vicinity of Tishomingo, Mississippi and is built in what is considered part of the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains. State owned Haynes Lake located inside this park is approximately 45 acres in size and has had numerous problems that started soon after it was built. The bulk of these problems are large sinkholes that continue to show up due to the unusual rock formation in this lake. The rock formation in this lake consists of layers of soil sandwiched between layers of lime rock in which the soil becomes permeated with water and in turn gets washed out due to water pressure being exerted on the bottom and sides of this lake. This process in turn erodes the soil and rock while essentially draining the lake down to nothing. Many attempts and many thousands of dollars have been spent over the years starting back in the 80’s to resolve these issues by pouring concrete grout into these anomalies but each time the repairs were temporary at best. Concrete is a static material with little to no flexibility, does not flow well underground and does not bond well to surrounding soil if any at all. Therefore, each one of these repairs failed immediately along with many more of these sinkholes rearing their ugly heads over the years.

Enter Pro Pond Solutions in 2018. Pro Pond Solutions was called in to assess this situation and to hopefully offer a permanent solution to eliminate these problems well into the future. Challenge accepted! Our team arrived on site in early 2018 and successfully carried out a series of dye tests to help pinpoint all new and ongoing leaks in this lake. We also employed Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to help pinpoint all underground anomalies as well with great success. With all leaks and underground anomalies located Pro Pond Solutions in November of 2018 started a new round of repairs on Haynes Lake utilizing a process known in the industry as Chemical Grout Injection. Chemical grout injection utilizes expanding urethane grout resins pumped in under pressure to permanently fill and seal these types of holes and underground voids in many applications. These resins are extremely flexible, flow well underground, have a tremendous expansion rate, bond well to everything they touch and most importantly are permanent repairs under normal circumstances. Pro Pond Solutions on this trip successfully shut down and sealed 5 sinkholes/anomalies that we had previously found during our initial round of tests. Pro Pond Solutions also backed up all repairs with our Patent Pending granulated Pro Seal Pond Sealant for an added layer of protection where repairs were made.

After our initial round of repairs Haynes Lake filled and held for over one year. According to all State Officials involved this was the first time this lake has ever filled and remained full for over a year. However, unfortunately a new sinkhole has now formed in Haynes Lake, and Pro Pond Solutions is scheduled to make another round of repairs in the immediate future on this lake. Once all underground voids/cavities are filled the issues with this lake will be permanently resolved and this lake will become a thing of beauty and recreation as it was designed to be. Pro Pond Solutions is confident that this will be our final round of repairs on this lake and always remember “We Seal Them When Nobody Else Can.”

Updates will be forthcoming in the near future once we commence this next round of repairs on Haynes Lake.